Caloundra Volunteer Coast Guard - QF4

Caloundra Coast Guard HQ: Tripcony Lane Caloundra 4551 Queensland
Phone: 07 5491 3533 Fax No. 07 5491 7516
24hr emergency No. 0429 913 533

Monthly Flotilla Meetings at HQ on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 1930hrs.

Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 0530-1200hrs Radio watch with boat crew on
Weekend & Public Holidays 0530-1700hrs. Full Duty Crew

Terms of Use Policy
by Caloundra Coast Guard QF4


Coast Guard Caloundra - QF4 administers this facebook page to provide important public safety and public interest information and operations about QF4.

We look forward to your comments however, when commenting on our page we ask that you follow our 'Terms of Use'.


We welcome your thoughts and comments and look forward to what you have to say. However when commenting on this page we ask that you follow our 'Terms of Use' guidelines below. Please do not post messages that contain:
1. Anything that could be considered inflammatory, offensive, defamatory, discriminatory, denigrating or otherwise inappropriate;
2. Swearing, or abusive, racist, homophobic or sexist remarks or obscenities or sexually explicit comments or material;
3. Personal attacks against other users, members of the public or members of QF4
4. Vigilante comments
5. Speculation or comments about incidents
6. Photos, Images, Personal or sensitive information about others.
7. Any content or links that are unlawful, or may defame, discriminate, offend.

Any comment deemed to fit under these definitions will be removed. Users found to be repeatedly engaging in any of the above activity will be excluded from this page.

This page is monitored 24 hours a day 7 days a week

Non-profit organization